
The Bob Zentz Songbook



A Park for All the Good People

Adapted from the original song "All The Good People," © Ken Hicks (mp3 clip from Bob Zentz' 1991 CD, "It's About Time")

Town Point Park lyrics © 2009, Bob Zentz, Ken Hicks, Skye Zentz, Jeanne McDougall

New lyrics written for the rededication of Town Point Park, July 3, 2009



     This is a song for All the Good People
     All the Good People, what a glorious day
     This is a song, for All the Good People
     Gathered to get our “new” Park “under-weigh”

This is a song for all the good memories
Fireworks and sun-dogs that lit up the skies
Fathers and mothers, the sisters and brothers
Grandfolks and grandkids with love in their eyes

There is the anchor I climbed in my childhood
A symbol of home, of music and fun
Through all kinds of concerts,
With grass stains and dress shirts
We played in the rain and we danced in the sun

This is a song for the boats on the river
Marinas and shipyards, of our seaport town
There’s winers and diners on big ocean liners
And me in my kayak, just paddlin’ around!

This is a song for the movers and shakers
Designers and builders, the brick sponsors too
A re-dedication, a great celebration
And here’s a “hats off” to the Festevents crew

This is a park for old friends and new friends
To walk through and talk through, and dream of what’s next
From love unrequited to love reunited
A park full of stories you didn't expect

This is a park, for All the Good People
The “come-here’s” and “been-here’s,” amid sights and sounds
Of joggers and cloggers and those lunchtime bloggers
A crossroads of cultures on this common ground


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Copyright © 2018, Bob Zentz